Sunday, February 14, 2010

Do Girls Like Ball Gags Bondage Sex...a Control Issue?

Bondage sex...a control issue? - do girls like ball gags

My husband is responsible for slavery "OK". Hog tie clips, schoolgirls should be on their heels. Loved it, until I discovered that I ever saw it from the net and masturbating. And the network is more than "dress up" the easement. It is (for me) and degrading that really disturbs me that this is the kind of servitude. Angry / bad side, if I did not want slavery, but because I learned so much from him, is that a real turn off. What is the attraction for women in distress?


Sparky said...

I do not believe that slavery is really about women DOWN or a control share issue. It's just to do something with their time. I've never been there, but I tried to be like before. This girl kicks ****, but I did.

Are you allowed to bind? I believe that what is good for you should be good for another.

Many people are lured into the fantasy does not do in real life. I think it's "Clerks II" in which one student said: "Why should an Internet connection if you can not look at pornography on things that are not you?" It is a good question, but ask the people, is a good reason for an Internet connection as well.

Maybe you should talk to your husband about hisconcerns. This could be just a foretaste. Some people prefer meat and some people like chicken.

Do you feel controlled in their relationship? If so, it can be connected to more questions. Otherwise, I think it just a harmless fetish.

I know that most people do not good at communication, but you should probably try to talk about your feelings and see what works. Maybe you can do in the time of slavery to keep the good times and others avoid them happy. Marriage is not easy, nor the relationship, but good communication is the core of a healthy marriage. You do not now seems healthy, but might, therefore, if their feelings are more rooted and feels used and abused.

You may wish to speak to a counselor together or alone.

I hope to help my ideas, some with their situation.

I like girls in trouble, but I want those who endanger others, such as helping a knight in shining armor. I would be happier if they were in trouble in the first place. Good luck, my dear.

Wizzard2 said...

Nothing like everyone else. No one should force any kind of sexual relationship with you

Can Sone new joys for him?

Ellie said...

The easement is now a big favorite, and if not like, you should confront him about it. Sex is about pleasure, and a people so that their mutual feelings can please others.
In most cases, they are servants of the check, whether to a person, what appears to be losing something in the vicinity of rape, but more likely when the rape.

Ѕємι~Мαđ ŠçїєŋŧιѕТ said...

I assume you are willing to accept that it is not bad in itself or servitude after it in its proper context. However, this is actually part of another question, an excess. Because the food or any other activity, all the diodes to be surplus, it is a destructive force, as an advantage, it is certainly a problem.

I think part of his fascination with the on-line monitoring is that you try, a desire that is not prepared to offer assistance. However, his refusal to participate is truly accurate and should not be called into question, and no excuse to destroy him their sex life.

I think you and he needs to make a frank and open discussion about what is your situation, why amalso fascinating to) (not in itself bad and why it is disabled. But I guess it's an addiction, which emphasize that serious treatment, support marriage needs if it may be necessary will be used at this point.

I hope that helps.

dappersm... said...

I do not see the attraction, especially if you cause trouble and that's the part that worries me. Everyone wants the white knight who rescues the girl, but this guy wants to be the cause of the child's need for salvation. Who cares if sulking, left, only one additional control of the game is played is to try to get what he wants. Tell him not to bother when you thought it was a fun game, but now he goes to sea with him and you can not find a detour. Why does the way we think we have a lot more than you think? Tell him he would be happy with what I had, instead of trying to push further, because now only lost what was there. It's really easy to sulk if you know who comes andUsed # 039, t, in order to manipulate them. This issue reached the point where intervention is needed from outside, if the only way to receive joy, if there is a phase, and other ways you can get the same results be found, as it is one thing, but if it 'is the only thing that have major problems and done! Good luck and stay strong!

valkyrie... said...

1) You need to speak with him. Everything you've just said to say is. A consultant May will not be necessary, but will find its own "in the bondage thing, everyone understands.

2) The difference between Kink "a" and "fetish" is a kink only adds to sexual excitement. This is turning one, but not necessary. Clinically, a fetish, if you can not get a different sexual excitement. When was the last time that he "vanilla" (not bondage) sex? And if not now, may be a fetish for them, that sounds good in its way.

3) When you talk to him, I wonder why the slavery? It may not be possible to put into words, perhaps never to do. Give him some time, but you return to this searchIons, as he did not think so.

4) When you talk to him, tell him how you feel, from the Internet when you are away. Try to compromise, something that you live with both, but taking into account his feelings. Probably the most willing to compromise than risk losing you.

5) The foreign trade of the imagination. If you do this for him, what secret romantic things you'd like to try? It should be ready to act.

Slavery in a healthy relationship is over 3 Tags: SANE, safe and based consensus. If not sure, someone might hurt. If this is not "hurt healthy" (mature, moderate) could somebody. If there is consensus, however, rape. And it seems that "Back from forced or manipulated is more I like it.

Therefore, to bring these issues with him to open the channels of communication, and good luck!
Hugs, val

springde... said...

This should not feel degraded by her husband - both should try another, please. Having said that, and you feel humiliated in order to be able to speak with him without him to a preschool child and pouty lips. Do you have as a therapeutic approach? With a 3rd Person can bring to the judge's reply - both of you expressed and not fight all the time.

cheech11... said...

I am a woman, and I'm on the opposite side. I like the theme. I do not know what is the attractiveness of a gift being. This is not something that can really be explained. We feel we can not give, it is normal that the sex is and. But all of sex. If you are in real-time D / S relationship is doing everything in a whole new level. To if you are looking for specific information. There is nothing dirty about it. Now, please do not misunderstand, I want the Internet and other women masturbation is not acceptable. You should know that this lifestyle obsession. Divorce and ended in a sense, is life. If you are interested, there's really nothing wrong with itYou want to record. If he thinks it's all about sex ... he is mistaken. Good luck to you.

Remember ... If you do not feel well, she is not.

Sueby said...

Chinita to give a warning. It is easy today for people that things should not go on the Internet. Tell him you think you have a long way behind and has not put up with him. Tell him you know you're sick, and you are not ready, their friends and family and pastor can be heard all over the world to cease to be. Tell him that you pray with him, so do not be angry or demanding, but still companies against this disease.
Even if there is something in the light, darkness and evil can be introduced.

clcalifo... said...

I is a strong need for control. In general, the person who earlier in life and never feel any control.

There is an influx of real power, if they bind to their partner, then you just take out of the room during the time they want to be left alone.

This is NOT a fair maiden in distress thing ..... the guy who control andd you think you are crazy for him to take the reins and let him go.

If this continues, it will feel stronger, instead of love ....... feelng which receives power and control.

You can ask your voice down and agreed to have a variety of types of sexual slavery is not the only kind of love.

We urgently need a secret word that Wi --ll be their way of sayig
him that you are in a panic or closterphopic. And he has enough respect to feling honor.

You need so you can choose to love, they are both get what you need.

clcalifo... said...

I is a strong need for control. In general, the person who earlier in life and never feel any control.

There is an influx of real power, if they bind to their partner, then you just take out of the room during the time they want to be left alone.

This is NOT a fair maiden in distress thing ..... the guy who control andd you think you are crazy for him to take the reins and let him go.

If this continues, it will feel stronger, instead of love ....... feelng which receives power and control.

You can ask your voice down and agreed to have a variety of types of sexual slavery is not the only kind of love.

We urgently need a secret word that Wi --ll be their way of sayig
him that you are in a panic or closterphopic. And he has enough respect to feling honor.

You need so you can choose to love, they are both get what you need.

junkmail said...

A girl in distress, a woman hanging on the side of the road, began without a way to the car, a flat tire, broke the car, or a situation that can not solve it alone, there are many scenarios that we are in a woman believe, is in danger, but slavery is not one of them. When a man or a woman needs or wants these things, I say they need to a doctor who can help them return to the way God intended relationships between men and women to be seen. You need to give and take, enjoy each other, but the slavery seems irrelevant, because you have begun to realize. Sex should never be a person feel degraded, and never was this kind of sexual acts on a person to help set the desire to love. If I were you, I'll try some of EOCnseling for him if he accepts it, or maybe you understand how you feel about when you say that I think it's the things too far, as can be seen walking on the network, these things. It is probably a good idea, with a priest who would be able better advised to speak. I hope your husband understands that what affects their relationship and change.

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