Thursday, January 28, 2010

Make Your One Bullpup Stock What Type Of Stock Looks Better On Chinese SKS ? TAPCO T6 Fusion Adjustable Stock Or Fiberforce Dragunov Style?

What type of Stock looks better on Chinese SKS ? TAPCO T6 Fusion Adjustable Stock or Fiberforce Dragunov Style? - make your one bullpup stock

My actions in the Chinese SKS is old and worn, so I think switching to look good. I wondered, performance, or seems to care, before you stock. I thought that if an action is available SKS Bullpup? and how she played with SKS?


Hari said...

Tapco T6 adjustable stock is better than the Dragunov SKS Chinese style, as they are smaller, Drgunov not compatible with the SKS

Brian V said...

It depends if you have only the standard SKS 10 round box, I do believe the people of the fiber-Force ATI is using the correct path. My father has on his Yugo SKS and it looks good, but strip down a little harder to clean.
If you try to aftermarket chargers use large removable cap so I would probably go with the Tapco T6 too. The fact that detachable magazines Fiber Force a little strange.
For the last part of your question, I am, but as far as I know, nobody is racing to breeding stock SKS.
I hope that helps.

That One Dude said...

I have in my Russian Dragunov, looks good, but make it a pain to remove. I went into the original, because get a new one.

Id go with the style of the AK 47 and is foldable Cabelas

That One Dude said...

I have in my Russian Dragunov, looks good, but make it a pain to remove. I went into the original, because get a new one.

Id go with the style of the AK 47 and is foldable Cabelas

That One Dude said...

I have in my Russian Dragunov, looks good, but make it a pain to remove. I went into the original, because get a new one.

Id go with the style of the AK 47 and is foldable Cabelas

chrisand... said...


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